Introduction in R and RStudio

On the first course day (31st January) we will provide a short introduction into R and RStudio.

We will cover the following topics and functions:

  • R and RStudio Installation

  • R-Projects, RMarkdown and Quarto

    • How to use projects

    • How to set up an RMarkdown/Quarto File and its most important functions

  • Install and load packages

    • install.packages()

    • library()

  • Load and save data

    • read_csv()

    • write_csv()

  • Data wrangling in tidyverse

    • mutate()

    • Filter and select data: filter(), select()

    • Change the data frame: as.factor(), pivot_longer(), pivot_wider(), relevel()

    • Create new variables based on conditions: case_when()

    • use pipes |>

  • Summarize data

    • summarise()
  • Data visualisation using the ggplot - package

    • choose an informative graph

    • mapping: aes()

    • geoms: geom_boxplot(), geom_violin(), …

    • change colors, shapes, labels & more

  • Ressources for further learning